April 2018
The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast
“The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast” from VICTORIOUS: The Message of Revelation by Kent Klundt.
Bowl Judgements cont.
“Bowl Judgements cont.” from Victorious: The Message of Revelation by Kent Klundt.
Bowl Judgments (First Four)
“Bowl Judgments (First Four)” from VICTORIOUS: The Message of Revelation by Kent Klundt.
March 2018
Prelude to Bowl Judgments
“Prelude to Bowl Judgments” from VICTORIOUS: The Message of Revelation by Kent Klundt.
February 2018
Three Angelic Proclomations
“Three Angelic Proclamations” from Victorious: The Message of Revelation by Kent Klundt. Released:
December 2017
Cell Phones, Selfies, and Social Media: A Christian Perspective
“Cell Phones, Selfies, and Social Media: A Christian Perspective” from Hot Topics by Kent Klundt.
Herod Missed Christmas
“Herod Missed Christmas” from The People Who Missed Christmas by Kent Klundt.